
Email Deliverability is a critical component of getting your mail into the inbox. We can diagnose
and solve your deliverability related challenges. Think of Broadwick Media as an extension of
your current marketing team.

Deliverability Services

Deliverability Audits
Comprehensive report card outlining your deliverability. We review lead generation processes, business policies, infrastructure, content and reputation.

IP Warming Plans
For high volume marketers in need of a Dedicated sending IP, we can create the perfect plan to warm your IP through gradual deployment and volume ramp up to maximize inbox delivery.

Domain & IP Authentication
Making sure that you have the proper IP/domain authentication set up is a valuable piece to getting emails delivered.

Reputation Building
A thorough and complete assessment of data collection processes, domain and IP reputation, email authentication, content and historical send data. Our analysis is crafted to help establish and build your reputation.

24/7 Monitoring
We monitor your email deliverability 24/7 and send real-time alerts monitor IP/domain blacklists.

Monthly Deliverability Reports
Each month you will receive a report that details the previous month’s deliverability issues, spam filter tests, remediation instances and overall deliverability improvements.

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